Duquesne University SBDC provides resources to small businesses to help them start, grow, and prosper. Our consultants and partners share their knowledge and expertise on various topics such as starting a business, marketing, technology commercialization, buying a business, and financing.
It is uncertain that can make for a very successful business. Here are some thoughts for you to consider. You may want to ignore the naysayers and those who portend doom and gloom! Read more
In the COVID-19 pandemic era, many businesses are feeling a non-medical symptom: the Cash Pinch. Revenue from sales is down, but expenses still need to be paid. Read more
Let us identify some of the best practices that will make everyone's work from home experience more productive and satisfying. Read more
Duquesne University Small Business Development Center has recently been awarded a CARES Act funding grant from the United States Small Business Administration. This grant deems our center as a Center of Excellence in life sciences and health-related industries. Read more
The idea of reopening under the new normal is somewhat of a shock to all of us. With the uncertainty in where this pandemic is leading us, here are a few tips! Read more