SBIR and STTR Programs | Duquesne Univeristy SBDC

SBIR and STTR Programs


Are you ready to take your innovation to the next level with an SBIR or STTR grant? 

The consultants at the Duquesne University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) can help you apply! We have helped several clients secure funding from these grants over the years.

SBDC consultants can explain to you just what these grants are, and they know every step in the process of being awarded one.

Apply for free consulting here and start working with a consultant soon to start your SBIR/STTR application.

Frequesntly Asked Questions

What are the differences between SBIR and STTR grants?

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are both Congressionally-mandated research and development (R&D) funding programs intended to support small businesses focused on bringing innovative technology to the marketplace. The difference between SBIR and STTR programs at NSF is that small businesses which apply to the STTR program are required to partner with a not-for-profit research institution in their proposal. Such a partnership is optional for SBIR proposals.


Are new entrepreneurs and start-ups appropriate candidates for the SBIR/STTR program?

Yes! NSF encourages proposals from a diversity of small businesses. Most of NSF SBIR/STTR Phase I awards are made to companies that are newly formed and very small. However, those small businesses must show that, if NSF SBIR/STTR funding is awarded, they have a clear plan to quickly stand up the company operations and bring together a team that is capable of carrying out the proposed Phase I project.


What are the chances of receiving funding?

In 2016, the Phase I funding rate was 15% for SBIR and 19% for STTR. Phase II funding rates typically vary between 30% and 55%. Although funding rate is a common question, generally, these data should not be relied upon too heavily in deciding whether or not to submit a proposal. Rather than focus on funding rate, proposers are encouraged to ensure that NSF SBIR/STTR is a good fit for their needs and that the proposed project aligns well with the program goals.